So, you want a team license? The FGR™ administration gives out 9 team licenses for the 2020 season. Please note: The licenses are limited, meaning there won’t be any added this season. Should we run out of licenses, you’ll be able to sign up on a waiting list and you’ll be contacted in case a slot is freeing up. You may also take over an existing time if you manage to convince a current license holder to give up their team.
To apply for a team license, please prepare the following before going ahead with your application:
-) Note down your car colors. The car colors will be your official team colors. The format for the colors is just like in the game (e.g. Color 1: 255, 255, 255 | Color 2: 100, 100, 100).
-) Be sure to have a good team name ready. Now, we don’t want ridiculous team names – make it sound a bit racy. What we don’t want are names like “Banana Pants Racing”, “Dingle Dongle” or similar. No real world brands as well. Get creative and come up with a good name, it’s the name you’ll write history with, since all your activities and achievements will be tracked in our very own FGR™ wikipedia.
-) In FGR™ your team needs a logo. If you’re not proficient with graphics, we recommend you the SquareSpace Logo Maker which will allow you to create a logo in seconds: https://www.squarespace.com/logo
-) Decide under which countries banner you want to compete. This is usually, the country where the team owner is from.
-) Your name and your nickname you’re known for on the Generally Forum. For names in FGR we encourage you to provide at least your first name + first letter of your last name (e.g. “Jane D.”).
If you have all this ready, apply below.